Brand Identity
I never sat down and made a list of things to blog about like I said I would. I was stumped for a few days as to what to blog about for the fourth and final week of class on marketing and self-promotion, but then I figured it couldn’t hurt to share about what we’ve been doing in class. Our project(s) for this month was to design a new logo for an existing company, and subsequently things like a business card, stationary, and a website mock-up. This week we’re designing take-out menus. (I knew this project was coming so I chose accordingly so I could be consistent). The business I chose is a small, local restaurant right by where I work called Garden Bistro. It’s a cute little place with great food and a great view. As part of the “self-promotion” aspect of this class I should probably go over there and say “Hey, I’m redesigning your brand identity for school. Here’s what I’ve done, let me know what you think. I’m willing to let you use it for a minimal fee of my tuition.” Just kidd...